Positive attitude citations are common in staff kiosks in corridors, bulletin boards, service counters, and training manuals.
Almost everyone in the sales organization is exposed to positive affirmations and citations. Sales training sessions often include suggestions for developing positive thinking through affirmations. These positive suggestions offset the continued exposure to rejection, which is an important part of direct sales.
Positive attitude citations work. They help you reach your goals by building trust in yourself, your products, and the market.
Even mystics use quotes in a positive manner. Mystics often make short quotations and short prayers, which are repeated all day long to enhance their faith. They call it “ejaculation prayer” or simply “ejaculation”. This carefully selected citation and prayer is repeated throughout the day and serves two purposes. Maintains concentration and empowers walking.
The mind is often full of ideas, fleeting thoughts, unnecessary worries, and unpleasant fantasies. You have to make this traffic jam to your destination. Using affirmations and visualizing affirmations clears the mind and makes the finish line visible again.
Isn’t it embarrassing to see a job or service counter where employees make ironic quotes that actually worsen their relationships with customers and colleagues? What seems to be funny and cute will grow and become normal.
Positive attitude quotes, affirmations and ratings nourish the soul and help you reach your goals!
Positive citations-7 times a day
Positive attitude citations became popular because they made psychology more accessible to people. Many books were written in the last century to draw more attention to the way entrepreneurs work in our minds. Books such as James Allen’s “As a Man’s thought”, Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, and Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking” are our own thoughts in relation to our goals.
With subsequent positive research into the subconscious temptation, psychologists devised ways to mix positive citations with music and other sounds so that they could program their minds while listening to these tapes while sleeping.
In the olden days, positive citations were important. The Hebrews have had the habit of doing this since God commanded them to scratch their doors (leather strips around their shoulders and head) to remember them daily as their main commandment was. “… You will love your Lord, and you will love your God from the bottom of your heart …”
Hundreds of years later, King David found another way to turn his heart to God. He planned the day to be praised seven times. His practice gave him the title “After the Heart of God.” You can use King David’s example to focus on our goals, whether for spiritual, business, or other purposes.
A practical way to do this is to first develop or collect citations of positive ideas used to control your mind for success. You can collect affirmations from popular scriptures and scriptures, or you can write yourself based on what you know will be most useful in your particular situation.
The second step is to create a daily schedule that repeats the evaluation. You can choose a fixed time or define a routine task that will notify you to say these confirmations when a trigger occurs. If you repeat the reservation 7 times a day, you can repeat it every 3 hours. Triggers give you more freedom to plan your affirmations by exercising all day long. All day-to-day activities can be triggers. You can take a positive attitude when you wake up, take a shower, cook, shave, drink tea, have a supper, or sleep. You may also find a trigger at work, such as smoking or going to the bathroom.
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