To understand how Guerrilla Marketing can significantly affect the online performance of a company, brand or product, it is first of all necessary to understand what it is .
The term Guerrilla Marketing , coined in 1984 by the American advertiser Jay Conrad Levinson , indicates a low-budget , unconventional form of advertising promotion obtained through the so-called ” creative use ” of aggressive means and tools capable of leveraging the imagination and end-user psychology .
Therefore, defining Guerrilla Marketing as a simple “striking action” with which to attract attention would be extremely reductive . On the contrary, this marketing method is the result of a systematic approach aimed at specific project objectives.
Some of the fundamental principles of Guerrilla Marketing include that the economic investment for the action is limited , that the project is based on time, energy and imagination rather than money; that the measurement of the results of the advertising action takes place in terms of profit and not sales, as well as the number of new relationships established with possible prospects. It is also necessary that the action of Guerrilla Marketing is linked to a concept of excellence that focuses entirely on specific focuses relating to specific products or services, and which uses existing a tool to strengthen their marketing. Finally, Guerrilla Marketing must be the result of a combination of different marketing methodologies.
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Starting from these general principles, it is easy to understand the weight that current Guerrilla Marketing actions can have on the online activities of the companies that organize them . And, let’s be clear, the result of Guerrilla Marketing does not depend on the size of the event that was possible: on the contrary, even small but well thought out actions have shown that they can become viral on social networks without the need for large economic investments.
In practice, Guerrilla Marketing is a very effective strategy, capable of creating a bridge between offline and online and leveraging the consolidated need of people to share everything that happens to them on the network . Based on this, it becomes easy to imagine how successful an action capable of attracting and intriguing people can generate .
An example of recent Guerrilla Marketing that has been able to generate stunning results was the one organized for the Milanese exhibition “ Egypt. The extraordinary discovery of the pharaoh Amenofi II ”. The project featured an actor dressed as an Egyptian pharaoh and surrounded by some royal guards going to the center of Milan and attracting the attention of passers-by.
Result? 1500 contents on the topic shared on Facebook , with an estimated reach of about one million users and buzz on various websites . Here it is, then. A relatively small offline investment has generated absolute success on the net with no need to invest a euro in web campaigns.