There’s a reason why the job outlook for web designers is expected to increase by 13% over the next decade. In the past, a business could get by without having a website. But, those days are gone.
Now, even the smallest business is robbing itself of clients if it doesn’t have a website. If you’re ready to start your site or update it, then you’re in the right place.
In this article, we’ll walk you through three website design tips that you need to know about. That way, you can have the site that both, and your customers, deserve.
1. When in Doubt Go With Minimalism
When it comes to tips for website design more doesn’t equal better. If you crowd your home page with images, banners, and portals, your visitors will quickly get overwhelmed.
And, no one is going to stick around to figure it out. So, instead of bombarding your visitor’s senses, try pulling it back a little.
Keep everything about your website minimal, from the color design to the pull-down bars. That way, you don’t isolate any viewers.
2. Create a Clear Path With Your Navigation
When a visitor lands on you’re website’s home page, there should be a clear path carved out for them in terms of navigation. That means that you should have a clear end goal for where you want them.
Maybe it’s a contact page or a products page. Regardless, it should only take them one or two clicks to get there. The last thing you want is for someone to have to search around a maze of a website to find what they’re looking for.
There’s no quicker way to lose potential customers. It’s hard enough to get visitors to the website. So, make sure that it’s as straightforward as possible for them once they land on it.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Hire a Professional
These days, there are plenty of template sites that even amateurs can use. However, just because you can make a website yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you should.
The reality is that if you want your website to be optimized, then it needs to be designed at a code level. And, most people besides professionals are unable to do this effectively.
So, you shouldn’t be afraid to hire professionals. Just make sure that you go with services that know exactly what they’re doing, like
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This is a damaging outlook.
It’s important to remember that for many of your customers the website isn’t an accessory, but the main show. So, treat it like your business depends on it.
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