Did you know that almost 22% of sports injuries require at least seven days off of the field?
As an athlete, you know that you’re always taking a risk when you’re playing your sport of choice. There are various types of injuries that many (if not most) players experience at some point, and preventing them isn’t always easy. That’s why it’s important that athletes visit a Sports Physio in Sydney to ensure the proper management, treatment, and prevention of sports injuries.
We’re here to talk about a few of the most common sports injuries for you to look out for. Read on to learn more.
Strains and Sprains
Strains and sprains are minor injuries that are common for people who play sports (or exercise at all). They’re easy to fix and they require a brief recovery time before the player can get back into the game.
When someone gets a strain, it means that a muscle moved or stretched in a way that it wasn’t supposed to or wasn’t ready to. It’s common to pull hamstrings and groin muscles.
To prevent strains, it’s important to stretch and warm up before an activity. This should loosen up your muscles so they’re less susceptible to tears.
Sprains are similar to strains, but with your ligaments instead of your muscles. When you get a sprained ankle, it means that the ligament stretched or tore. This is common for people who roll their ankles or misstep while running.
While sprains and strains will heal on their own, you can also visit a physical therapist, like the team at Performaxphysicaltherapyandwellness.com, for help.
Concussions are unfortunately common in high-impact contact sports. When someone experiences a sudden impact to the skull, the brain actually moves. This can cause serious damage.
Many concussions go unnoticed, especially if they’re mild. It’s important to contact a medical professional if you experience a head injury, even if you feel fine.
Proper protective equipment won’t completely prevent concussions, but it will help.
Back Injuries
Many former athletes have “bad backs” as a result. Why does this happen?
Almost all sports can cause back injuries. Your back supports your entire body. There’s a lot of stress on it when you’re exercising or playing sports.
Back injuries vary from mild to serious. For most mild back injuries, rest is the best solution. For more serious injuries, you may need to start going to physical therapy or have surgical intervention. Seeking chiropractic treatment may also be a wise decision. A skilled team of chiropractors such as one at Truspine can assess your pain and provide a remedy for relief.
The best way to prevent back injuries is to strengthen your back as often as possible. Do strength training exercises to build your core.
Tennis Elbow
Did you know that you can get tennis elbow even if you don’t play tennis? It’s an injury that stems from overuse. When you do a single motion too often, you put excess strain on that joint.
The best way to prevent tennis elbow is to take enough breaks and work on building your strength and mobility. If your elbow starts to feel sore, rest until it feels better.
Have You Experienced the Most Common Sports Injuries?
Most athletes will experience at least one of the most common sports injuries at some point. Make sure that you give yourself time to rest if you get injured playing a sport if you want to keep your body in good condition. You won’t be able to play anymore if you wear yourself down!
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