Aspect Pest Control is a leading pest control company in Northwest Arkansas led by Shane McCoy, a board-certified entomologist. A wide range of residential and commercial pest control services is designed to ease your stress and make your life comfortable and happy.
Why would you want to quit pest control?
There are several reasons:
1. The industry is over-saturated in Arkansas (and every other state). There’s not much room for another sized company when competing with larger national companies (Terminix, Orkin). There aren’t enough pockets out there to make this thing work.
2. The pest control industry is dirty (that’s coming from a former insider).
3. Most employees are great people, but they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed, which means mistakes are made and unhappy customers. These complaints could range from a customer being late for their appointment to a water bug issue.
More Info about pest control company
When a customer calls requesting information/price quotes/to register as a new client etc., A salesperson’s job is to get them to schedule an appointment and either pick a treatment plan or at least commit to signing up for one. As you know, only a pest control company provides these services. That’s great news because it means there are more options for people, but when a potential client calls, they might call others to glean information about each company.
To begin with, ask a potential customer when they would like their first service performed. We can immediately cross out several companies that do not provide same-day services by obtaining this essential information, narrowing the field considerably. When someone calls one of those companies, ask for the company’s phone number.
Other methods of gathering information
1. Asking a customer if they’ve ever worked with the company before and, if so, how was their previous experience
2. Asking a customer to tell you what other local businesses might also be competitors (i.e., dry cleaners, landscapers, etc.)
3. Asking customers if they’re looking for other companies such as pest control (duh), lawn maintenance, etc. This way, you can find out which companies the customer has already called and where else you should go after.
4. Asking potential customers about their past experiences with different pests/problems to determine if you should attempt to make another sale.
In what way does pest control play the most important role?
A successful pest management protocol begins with an inspection. When creating an effective treatment plan and making recommendations, the PMP needs to conduct an in-depth inspection to ensure they are providing the best pest control service.