Did you know that Americans still favor the lawn as one of the hallmarks of American yards? Although lawns are wonderful and green, they are often high maintenance and can be costly to maintain.
Would you like to learn about low-maintenance front yard landscaping ideas that can make your home beautiful? Here are some ways that you can make your yard look perfect without putting in too much work and money.
Solar Powered Lighting
Sometimes it can be annoying to connect all of your lightings to your electrical grid. However, an easy way that you can have the lighting scheme you want without the hassle is through the power of the sun.
You will not have to worry about changing batteries or running cords to make sure that the lights work when you need them to. For instance, options like solar powered flagpole lighting will allow your flags to shine brightly through the night.
Flags for yards are wonderful but they require raising and lowering them every day. With a light always on your flag, you do not have to lower them before bed.
Try a Rock Lawn
If you have ever been to a state like Arizona or New Mexico, there is no doubt that you have seen rock lawns. Rock lawns replace greenery with a variety of pebbles and rocks to create a desert effect.
Rock lawns are probably the most low maintenance front yard landscaping idea out there. Unless you want to change the types of rocks or the color scheme, then you should not have to do anything to manage it.
If you live somewhere where lawns require a lot of watering, a rock lawn will no doubt save you money on your water bill. This is why they are so popular in dry and arid parts of the country. However, you will not see many rock lawns in areas like the Pacific Northwest.
Mixed Plants and Flowers
There is a beauty in keeping your sections of plants separated to allow them to shine on their own. A downside to this method is that maintenance can be time-consuming. If you do not have hours a week to work on your garden, you should consider something more simple.
Try planting multiple flowers and bushes in a mix around your front yard and see how they bloom together. As long as you keep them trimmed, you will definitely achieve a cottage effect. Rather than your home looking stately and groomed, it will look comfortable and safe.
Redo Your Driveway and Walkway
You do not have to keep the standard concrete option that comes with your home for your driveway and walkway. Once you purchase a house, the property is yours to do with what you wish. That includes ripping up and redoing the pavement.
When you redo your walkways, make sure that the new color and material fits in with the rest of your home’s exterior. It should complement both your foliage and the outside of your house in general.
Make sure that you choose a material that works with whatever the climate is where you live. For example, if you live somewhere that experiences lots of rain, then it is probably not a good idea to get a slippery material.
Year-Round Foliage
Although seasonal flowers can be gorgeous, they require a lot of maintenance for front yard landscaping. To avoid this problem, it may be a good idea to get foliage that stays alive throughout the year.
Even if it snows or temperatures drop, many plants will simply go dormant rather than die completely. Then, they will re-blossom in spring, year after year.
When you go to the home and garden store, make sure that you look for perennial seeds instead of annual. Annual plants need to be re-planted every year while perennials will continue to bloom.
Upgrade Your Fencing
Have you ever thought about if your fencing could use a good upgrade? The material that surrounds your property is just as important as your lawn and other plant life when it comes to first impressions.
If your fencing looks a little worn, try coating it with a fresh paint job to bring it new life. However, if you notice damage or the design is outdated, then it may be time to redo your fence completely.
When you choose fencing material, you need to decide on the material, style, and color. Higher fences denote more privacy, but lower fences are an invitation that you are welcoming of guests.
Hire a Landscaping Company
Do you want to have a luscious front yard without any of the work? If you have money to spare, then it may be in your best interest to hire a landscaping company to do the work for you.
Make sure to look at multiple companies in your area to get a quote on how much the landscaping maintenance will be. You can enjoy your designer yard without worries.
Try Astroturf or Fake Grass
Even with many other lawn ideas, sometimes you still want the feeling or appearance of grass with less work. This is where fake grass lawns come into play.
The most popular brand of fake grass is called Astroturf. It mimics many features of grass and it will hold up for long periods of time when taken care of properly.
With fake grass, you can enjoy activities on your front lawn such as sports. As a benefit, your water bill will not have to suffer from constant upkeep.
The Best Low Maintenance Front Yard Landscaping
If you want the front yard of your dreams without all of the hard work, you may need low maintenance front yard landscaping ideas. With these tips, you can still have a beautiful lawn that has maximum curb appeal.
Would you like more information on how you can upgrade your home? Check out our site for all of the home renovation and design inspiration you will need.
Read more: Top Three Landscape Design Tips