The article examines the cultural and linguistic problems of professional activities of sports TV journalists, analyzes typical linguistic errors in modern television discourse, establishes the causes of violations of orthopedic, accentual, lexical, stylistic norms of modern Ukrainian literary language; the main ways of linguistic-stylistic normalization of sports television discourse are determined.
Actual Problems of Oral Speech Culture among Sport Broadcasters
The article is devoted to the research of cultural and language problems of professional activity of sport broadcasters. An author analyzed typical language mistakes in modern TVdiscurs, determined reasons of orthopedically, accentual, lexical, stylistic infractions of norms in modern Ukrainian literary language. The researcher described the main ways of the linguistic-stylistic setting of norms in sport TVdiscurs.
Current issues of oral culture of sports TV journalists
Comprehensive study of the problems of media speech culture is one of the urgent tasks of modern linguistic, psycho- and sociolinguistic, linguodidactical studies. At the present stage of intensification of state-building processes in a democratic direction, much attention is paid to the linguistic aspect of the media, in particular, television. The multifaceted nature of such a phenomenon as oral speech, quite naturally puts it at the center of scientific interests of domestic and foreign researchers, not only linguists but also psychologists, sociolinguists, writers, journalists. In the field of view of researchers fall, in particular, the following aspects of the study of the specifics of oral speech: general theoretical problems of language culture.
Modern sports television discourse, which to some extent reflects the cultural situation in the country in general and the specifics of oral speech on national television in particular, needs a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis. Thus, the aim of the article is to analyze the oral speech of domestic sports TV programs, identify the main causes of violation of the norms of modern literary language by TV journalists, outline the main ways to overcome speech errors.
In the conditions of national and cultural revival of Ukraine, new requirements are set for a TV worker – journalist, presenter, commentator, able to implement in professional speech activities tasks related to the formation of public opinion, education of politically conscious, active members of society. In other words, a modern TV journalist must be a true original linguistic personality, who is considered a “speaker who knows the language perfectly, consciously masters it, perceives language in the context of national culture as its spiritual core and uses language as an organic means of self-creation, self-affirmation and self-expression their intellectual and emotional and volitional capabilities and as a means of socialization of the individual in this society “[7, 38].
Of particular interest to scientists are the problems of professional speech activity of a journalist. The leading idea of many theoretical and scientific-practical researches is the following: deep acquaintance of future TV workers with theoretical principles of speech culture, mastering practical skills of literate, cultural speech, constant self-improvement in this direction will allow you to become highly professional in journalism. A real TV journalist must be skilled in verbal and nonverbal communication, have a habit of controlling his speech, pronunciation, diction, intonation, correct word usage, logic; constantly work on enriching your speech; be able to analyze their own and others’ broadcasting, detect deviations from the norms, use various means to overcome them; to learn “
Only under the condition of systematic work, realizing all its complexity and the main – importance for their professional growth, a TV journalist will be able to achieve tangible results [2, 7]. It is quite natural that in the process of training TV journalists, special attention is paid to aspects of their professional and speech activities.
Broadcasting of sports TV journalists is a specialized use of language tools by a journalist / presenter in the process of communicating with the audience in order to convey information of a certain ideological and thematic direction and the formation of public opinion on a particular issue. In addition, the speech of sports TV journalists by part of the audience is perceived and evaluated as exemplary, which imposes a special responsibility on the presenter to choose the appropriate language means of expression of a particular content.
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