Dogs of old age develop an inflammation in their legs known as Arthritis. This swelling prevents dogs from performing basic tasks such as playing, walking for too long, and standing up after taking a nap. You might notice your dog being inactive and in pain.
Arthritis in dogs can develop due to old age, injuries, and being overweight. If your old dog is going through joint pain, read these five ways to help your dog manage Arthritis.
Call Your Dog’s Vet
When you identify symptoms of Arthritis in your dog, you need to take your dog to the vet. The vet will prescribe pain relief medicines that will not allow the arthritis pain to grow. He might suggest you go for physiotherapy or even laser therapy, depending on which stage the Arthritis is on.
It would be best if you learned that there isn’t one way to treat Arthritis in senior dogs. You need to implement multiple ways and remedies daily for your dog to have relief.
Diet Control
One reason your dog has Arthritis is obesity, and you need to identify what foods the dog is consuming. If your dog can lose some extra weight, it will give more time to the dog’s joints to survive. An obese dog’s joints may fail to function in a few months if it doesn’t lose weight. Therefore, make your dog eat foods rich in glucosamine, calcium, and chondroitin sulfate.
Someone might recommend you NSAIDs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are well-known steroids given to dogs with Arthritis. However, you don’t want your dog consuming NSAIDs because they have severe side effects. Medications prescribed by a veterinarian like Vetprofen will be effective in treating Arthritis and joint problems.
Making Some Installments At Home
Installing cubes, ramps, and slip-free flooring will help your dog walk freely at home. Moreover, dogs with Arthritis can have a tough time using stairs. For that, get cubes and ramps. They will help your dog climb up and down the stairs with the least pain. Ramps will also support your dog and help it climb on the sofa.
Furthermore, to help your dog walk with support without tripping, place rugs and carpets at home. Rugs and carpets will prevent the dog from slipping and give the legs a good grip when walking.
Get your dog an orthopedic bed. An orthopedic bed is made from memory foam. Sleeping on this bed will give support to your dog’s bones and joints. Moreover, this bed relieves pain and helps the dog move his joints better. If your dog is weak and thin, the bed will help the dog’s joints eliminate discomfort. You can find specific beds made for dogs suffering from Arthritis.
Give A Massage To Your Dog
You might notice your dog walking with breaks and lying down most of the time. A massage will help relieve some pain.
Dogs are the most loyal pets a person can own. Dogs do deserve a good massage, especially when they are in pain. Giving your dog a massage will increase blood flow circulation. It will help it walk better and feel less pain. To massage a dog with Arthritis, put less pressure on the joints.
Don’t apply direct pressure, as it can increase the pain and make things worse. If you can’t massage your dog, book an appointment with a professional who can massage pets.
Learn some exercises you can train your dog to perform. Exercise will help the dog build muscle energy and will help keep the dog in the right balance.
Groom Your Dog
Groom your dog because dogs suffering from Arthritis can’t take care of themselves; you should do so. Clean your pet in areas it can’t reach. This is the reason why a senior dog needs more grooming than a young dog. You can gently brush the dog’s hair and give it a warm bath once a week. Grooming makes animals feel a lot better.
Don’t think that your dog is the only one who has Arthritis. It is very common in senior dogs. The right techniques and timely treatments will make Arthritis bearable for your dog. It doesn’t have a fixed treatment; however, you can make it manageable for your senior dog with medications and remedies. Just stay in contact with your senior dog’s vet and update him regularly.
Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Pet Parent Needs To Know About Bacterial Infections then visit our Pets category